10 socios de IA de videojuegos que odiamos


A veces, tener ayuda con los videojuegos no es lo ideal. Estos son algunos de los peores socios de juegos controlados por IA de la historia. Suscríbase para obtener más información: Fuentes y referencias: Daikatana: Elder Scrolls: – – – Goldeneye: – -.

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  1. LOL I don't know maybe it's just me I could be wrong but I got this feeling like your new young kids are mad soft some of these games off of playing over that's my word Ashley was not bad as a companion as fact she made the most sense as a companion and that situation most people are not really going to be helped I'm telling you right now I'm in the village and somebody head explode and some creature that looks like the thing jumps out and tries to eat my head I'm no help to you my friend I'm running and hiding that's it but real talk GoldenEye is not a hard game I mean sure if you never play with when you don't know what you're doing you're going to suck this going to be a learning curve but once you figure out the mechanics of the game none of that stuff was hard escorting Nadia Luck being on your side but other than that GoldenEye so not a hard game

  2. Im so glad Fallout 4 didnt have any radios or anything you could communicate with, or Preston would use them warn you so often about settlements needing help, you'd want to find a stock pile of nukes, place Preston in middle and press the red button, imagine if he was in Fallout 3 and you blew up Megaton, he would never shut about it.

  3. About Preston Garvey. I never really did anything with him on my playthrough, and I don't remember him telling me a single time about a settlement that needs help. He was patroulling my own settlement and I'm not sure he even had dialogue options. I don't know how I did that.

  4. I dislike companion AIs in general. In the old days when I started videogames, follower AIs almost constantly got stuck or lost altogether. They'd find one tiny rock on the way, walk in front of it and then do the thing where they jog in one place. They'd get stuck at EVERY corner, so tight corridors with lots of corners were a nightmare. It's not too bad nowadays but I still expect that kind of behavior, so I turn around every 5 seconds to check if they randomly decided to stand still and lost me.


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