25 formas de romper una respuesta de Nintendo Switch Lite (por Plainrock124)


Video original: 25 formas de romper una reacción de Nintendo Switch Lite (por Plainrock124) Canal principal: Twitter: Instagram: instagram.com/supernardful/.

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  1. The switch lite is just…a Nintendo console, not a ds cuz no 2 screens, not a wii because no detached joy cons or cursor, not a switch because there’s no key aspects of a switch, not a Wii U cuz the 2 screens, not any other console because u can’t plug in it to a tv, it’s just a handheld Nintendo console…like a game boy

  2. if this guy doesn't like watching Plainrock 123's videos why does he even watch them?

    For more views? And subscribers, I'm not subscribing his reactions aren't good. Half of the time he's screaming and we can't even hear the video!

  3. I mean my brothers and I have Switch Lites. The kickstand, most if not all, cases for Switches comes with a better stand that the one on the Switch. Then the thing with the Joy-Cons, most people end up getting new ones anyway, since they want a different color.


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